Abbey Station Visitor Centre
Preserving and promoting Shrewsbury’s rich railway heritage
The Abbey Station Visitor Centre in Shrewsbury offers a fascinating journey into the rich railway heritage of Shrewsbury, and surrounding areas, making it an excellent destination for history and railway enthusiasts. Originally opened in 1866; Shrewsbury Abbey Station was built on the site of the Benedictine Monastery’s Abbots Lodging for the Potteries, Shrewsbury and North Wales Railway, (known informally as the ‘Potts’). It became a crucial part of the Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Railway run by Colonel Stephens; and then was requisitioned by the War Department, playing a significant role during World War II when it was repurposed for military use. It was also the Air Raid Precautions Centre for Shrewsbury. Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust was awarded a prestigious Red Wheel heritage plaque by the National Transport Trust, in recognition of the importance of the historic Abbey Foregate site. The visitor centre displays some professionally-designed information panels showing the building’s history and displays some interesting railway artefacts.
Opening Hours: 10.30am to 2.30pm on Saturdays. Group visits by prior appointment. Free admission.
Social and charitable organisations can use Abbey Station for meetings and exhibitions – contact SRHT for details.

Become a member
The strength of the Trust is in its members and we welcome people to join us.
Members receive copies of our Abbey Lines newsletter and the membership
subscription provides an income towards covering the printing of the newsletter and postage costs.
Please note the current subscription is £15 for Single Membership and £20 for Joint Membership.
Please complete the Members Application form (download by clicking the button below), and send it with your remittance (either by cheque payable to SRHT, or you can pay by PayPal with your name as reference) to:
The Secretary, SRHT, Abbey Station, 192A Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6AH or email

Donate to the Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust
We welcome you to make a positive difference towards our aims and ambitions, and make a donation to the Shrewsbury Railway Heritage Trust. The volunteer trustees are unpaid, and use the donations wisely to make improvements that respect the integrity of Abbey Station, and to maintain the building for future generations.
Legacies. You may wish to consider leaving a legacy to the Trust after taking legal advice. Our charity number is 1116296 and our Registered Office is: Crundell & Co’ Accounting, 7 Napoleon Drive, Shrewsbury. SY3 5PH.
Preserving and promoting Shrewsbury’s rich railway heritage